Daily Archives: 23/01/2011


Each work day, I spend three hours travelling to and from work. My iPhone has been a bit if a life saver, in the fact that it keeps me entertained for most of my journey – surfing the net, reading ibooks, listening to music, keeping up to date with my podcasts. However, one day I was playing with the camera on my phone, and took a picture of a fellow commuter. I published this picture on flickr, and couldn’t believe the feedback I received. I try to take a picture each work day, and the term “commutergraphy” was born. So far, I have captured 179 fellow commuters. The whole set can be seen HERE.

I still can’t get over the feedback I receive on this project. Most people who comment on flickr are positive about these images, but non-photography friends, think it is all rather strange, and wonder how people don’t realise their pictures are being taken.

On that note, I sometimes get the feeling people know what I am doing, but as yet, no-one has challenged me, or asked what I am doing. Maybe that says something about travelling around a big city. People, including myself, seem to be in their own space, and try to avoid any communication with their fellow commuters.