Monthly Archives: March 2014

Manchester’s Climbing Men

I have been trying to find out more information about these climbing men, spotted in Manchester. If anyone knows anything about this art installation, can you please let me know:

Manchester's Climbing Men - 1

Manchester's Climbing Men - 2

Manchester's Climbing Men - 3

Thanks in advance!!

Road Sign Graffiti

This is the work of a French artist, Clet Abraham. I am not too sure that the authorities will be that happy with his work, but it does make an every day object look more interesting, and I am not too sure, that the additional artwork makes too much difference to the sign, that people will not know what it actually means.

No Entry 2

No Entry 1

Both these signs were spotted in the Seven Dials area of London.

Clet’s work has even made the pages of the Daily Mail newspaper, which shows many examples of his work across Europe. No surprise though, that Clet carries out his work during the middle of the night!