About Me

I hate writing about myself. However, I must fill in this blank space that says “about me”. So here goes:

I’m a Londoner, was born in London and so far I’ve never lived anywhere else. I love my hometown. There is so much to see and do, so much so that I am still discovering some of its secrets.

I have a number of passions in life, and I have been trying to think if one comes before another. I’m not sure that they do, so in no particular order, here is my list:

PHOTOGRAPHY: I’ve always loved photography. I got my first camera as a 13th birthday present. This was a basic “point and shoot” camera, which got upgraded to a SLR when I was 16 as a reward for passing my O-Levels. However, I am sad to say that soon after, this hobby took a back seat for many years. It wasn’t until digital cameras became more affordable that I returned to photography. As a result, I have met and made many friends around the World. My camera has also given me an excuse to explore the city I love.

FOOTBALL: I am a Chelsea Football Club fan. I am a season ticket holder and try to go to all the home matches. I’ve literally been a fan longer than I can remember, thanks to my Dad who took me to my first game when I was about 5. Chelsea have not always been that successful, and I had been supporting them for 26 years before they won a trophy, that I could actually say I remember watching. So when the away fans taunt us with “where were you when you were shite”, I can actually say, “I was here”.  The last 14 years have been something special, and I have been so lucky to have witnessed cup wins, championship winning games, but I have one match I am still dying to see, and that is Chelsea winning the Champions League final.

TRAVEL: I love being a tourist. Maybe that is why I love London too. I like to visit places both home and abroad, visiting museums and art galleries. Travel also broadens your mind, and I think makes you view the World in a more tolerant way.

READING: I must admit I am not such an avid reader as I used to. I think the advent of the internet has effected me. I do enjoy reading biographies, but a good crime novel would always grab my attention.

Finally why a blog? I have been thinking of starting a blog for some time. I have had a couple of false starts over the years, but I have always wanted a photography blog. Not only to share my pictures, but also as an excuse to do some research on the place I am taking photos off, and sharing this with my family and friends. However, even before I started this blog, this idea has evolved, and I wanted to share my other interests. So you will find things on football, for example, match reports on the games I go to, book reviews as well as anything else I see that interests me, and I think would be worth sharing.

So that is it. I don’t think I have done too badly for someone who doesn’t like writing about themselves. I just hope that you enjoy my blog.

3 responses to “About Me

  1. Hui-Yun, Wang

    Dear Gary,
    I’m Hui-Yun, Wang on behalf of Taipei City Government, Urban Regeneration Office from Taiwan (http://english.uro.taipei.gov.tw/).

    We’re going to publish a book this year to introduce the prospect of Urban Regeneration to our citizens by providing twenty big cities’ successful experiences.It is truly our huge honor to have London 2012 Olympic Legacy Plan as one important part in our book.

    For this article, our writer has chosen one photo from website(http://www.flickr.com/photos/gary8345/7961469522). We’d like to have the original file for printing. Please kindly advise the image credit and how we could get the copyright for our book.

    Thank you so much!

    Sincerely yours,
    Hui-Yun, Wang

  2. Hi Gary, just found your blog via Flickr (I’m Nellie). I love seeing the photos you take, especially the ones which star Toby!

    • Hi Helen. Good to see you on WordPress. Glad you like Toby’s pictures. I have been meaning to do this for years. He is 11 now. Have other outings planned for him. Regards Gary

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