Monthly Archives: March 2013

Happy Easter from Malta

It’s Easter Sunday, and I am in Malta. Yesterday, we popped into the local tourist office, who said the best thing to do was to go to Vittoriosa (Birgu in Maltese), one of the Three Cities to see the running of the Jesus.

One of the Maltese traditions over the Easter period is for a group of men to carry a statue of Jesus from the local church, around their home town. This is to signify that Jesus has been resurected.The one in Vittoriosa is meant to be one of the biggest parades of Jesus, where men train for months in readiness to carry a huge statue of Jesus, and run up 9 hills with it.

We were told, the best place to witness this, was in the town square. However, as the time grew closer, it was difficult to decide where the best place to stand to take photos. There was no clear route, and then all of a sudden a lone policeman walked through the crowd, to clear a path for the statue to pass:

Running With Jesus - 1

Once at the top of what was the first hill, they stopped for a break – drinks were passed around, before the readied themselves for the second accent.

Running With Jesus - 5

I must admit, the speed that these guys run, is quite amazing, and I found the whole experience rather surreal.

Climbing the ArcelorMittal Orbit

I had watched the ArcelorMittal Orbit grow. It is the tallest structure in what is now called the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. It did open for the Olympic and Paralympic Games last summer, however, I was unable to get tickets to go to the top.

Now in March 2013, I managed to get a free ticket for a viewing. The Orbit was to be open for a few weeks for visitors to get a view of the Park from the top. The views are great, but some what obstructed by the structure of the building. which is a tangle of red metal. I found this a little disappointing, as I tried to get my pictures. However, I am pleased I was allowed access:

From the Top of the Orbit - 1

From the Top of the Orbit - 2

Finally a view of the spot (The View Tube) where I took most of my pictures of the building of the Olympic Park:
From the Top of the Orbit - 4

Selective Coloured Cyclist

I do like selective colouring in images. It does help isolate the subject from the rest of the picture.

Red Cyclist